Friday, May 9, 2008

Ford Drivers In A Top 3.

The one bright spring thing in the FIA All Set out Most swung into way to Karlstad here for a little a piece of snow in sight. This other end of the series is traditionally characterised by ice-bound roads, large pearl banks lining the tracks and bitter cold. But temperatures in the many see in the V rmland state of great Sweden ar many degrees more severe, just the single piece of tender letters from last week’s falls and the forecast is to give.

Competition began now in a spectacular 1. 90km test at the city’s trotting track where two cars at a time raced about two laps of the floodlit free space round. Huge crowds generated an special arrangement with the back as cars powered by great chance bends and flew high into the dark shadow over a jump.

BP Ford Abu Dhabi Acres Produce Two drivers Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were associated with S bastien Loeb in the top-billing spirit of the evening. The Finns Opening Flower RS All Present Motor cycle the world back to 0. 2sec after a taking action in set the fourth fastest time of the evening.

” It seems strange to be competing to Sweden at February in pro football on the ground,” said 27-year-old Hirvonen. ” You see tomorrow’s special stages need have a snow on the surface. However, the temperatures ar very back to this time of year that there is not even get ground beneath and the cars hope soon sweep away the heart so light to the gravel.”

Team-mates Jari-Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttila were clear winners against Dani Sordo. The Focus RS was 2. 7sec quicker to record the common life on the test, 0. 4sec first of Hirvonen. Abu Dhabi’s Khalid Al Qassimi and Michael Orr, driving a second great Principle RS, were associated with Norway’s Mads Ostberg. The Scandinavian came out on top and Al Qassimi lies 13th tonight.

The rally continues tomorrow when competitors head into western V rmland for stages close to Sunne that must not been old as 2001. By going Karlstad at 08. 00 me back six stages before a other part the highly characteristic story. Her return to the city at 19. 36 for 120. 24km on business.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bill, outlines new Ford/Sync feature with a gate provides substantial beginnings of CES

January 6, 2008



VEGAS READ - Gary Shapiro, which sets CEO of the equipment, die here to annual consumer electronics Show everyone January, calls gates Bill Microsoft “the Pope of the industry of the high Tech.”

It is not hyperbola. It means it with this reverence edges on religious.

So, as gates die 5,000 industrial authors and -schuettele-Apparat at night supplied his last Hauptgededanken to CES with Sunday as full time employing, die nearly two hours in advance aligned, in order to hear its announcement, belonged with rapt attention from, which discussable die most influential company technology is worlds, Shapiro and.

Gate steps down from the Alltagswork Microsoft on the newer this year to the concentrate on philanthropic full time work.

Its CES parting war wine vintage gate: Self effacing, geeky, heavy on practical demos. A casual purple cardigan carrying and opening beginning shirt bringing together, it over a future in that the computer and die Microsoft software spoke, die runs it everywhere - in our the bags, into which our houses, into which office and in our the automobiles is.

But it left a untergebenen to it to break major news, a free indication that the day, when it and Microsoft thing the same were comes to an end.

Robbie brook, maintenance and devices the Microsoft of division is president, announced some strategic new partnerships.

Of particular to Detroit, brook announced that die Microsoft lets software, die communications Intraeger synchronization run Auto ford motor companys and system will now include feature collecting main 911 designated maintenance, die synchronization interest more of a competitor with system OnStar rival GR. forms, emergencey communicating maintains, when a heating hose is unfolded.

Other announcements employed strategic maintenance partnerships.

For die very largely successful Xbox 360 play console announced TV programs of the ABC Television and of the Disney guidance, along available with films of the accumulation legends MGMs classical films, to brook Willejoin Xbox of phase programs for download directly by the console.

In all die put more than 500 hours of contents, in standard and in high def at the disposal, to new agreements die at the end of the month are present. Under new appearance Xbox, which are users to watch in that, are lost you “hopeless housewives,” “,” “anatomy of the Graus,” and such Disney appearance like “Hannah Montana.”

Gates broke the news, die InterNet place of assembly will partners MSN Microsoft with NBC university vision, if die Beijing Olympics is covered the following August and to 20 simultaneous phase video of rivers of the cases, die be need-watched out can, to more over 3,000 hours of contents in all to offer. It is die largest development of BreitbandTV at all unleashed, if it covers one major case.

war 11. CES of the gates substantial more over die last 15 years Sunday and it spent characteristically a quantity time its public explaining, how quickly technology changed and where it is more over today, which it calls die last “digital decade,”, that, well noticing, it us in such a way explained.

Then it formed some new forecasts. Under other things: Each announcement screen — on computers, play consoles, television and, yes, even mobile phones — is shining clear and free and in the high definition We has so many screens the fact that houses video walls, everyone is turned to have, die to the different programs or indicates more Remember, the Michael J. to that the Future Foxs “back too” in movie? That is, which introduces itself for our future with a gate provides. Intelligent telephones keep more intelligent. It closed its speech with a prototype one gizmo, which is he soon invented, the die use speech acknowledgment video, to write indicates and read text thinks for forming retreive info. and calls.

He retired nearly half of the discussion, die to 70-minute to brook, which spoke Microsoft also about things such as Zune, alternative iPod holds, to add new characteristics and fans. Zune signed 1,5 million Mitgliedsover up die last two months to one music place of assembly social of the network connection.

But gates returned at the end of the Hauptgededankens to join the brook and show away from the prototype from which it, lack better name, a “mobile Nautiker”, which looked up to the InterNet, global to Position bringensatelites and zellulare nets all required, in order to be run by die software gate, die us think its Microsoft of favourites already were formed, to have more under development.

Is such gizmo out there soon?

If gate forecasts it, being that this indeed read Vegas is, I became on it bets.

I bet also that gates are not, like unaktiviert on there vielem Microsoft think seem you, if he part the time following year goes storing to world with his billions.

Bill may is the richest man provides worlds with a gate. But it is also geek geeks. It is in its blood.

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